On 29th and 30th of November 2017, the Forum Media Technology is going to take place in conjunction with the All Around Audio Symposium at UAS St. Pölten offering an ideal platform for presentation, discussion, criticism and exchange of innovative ideas and current challenges in the field of digital media.
Audiovisual, interactive and mobile media interweave with our everyday life. In almost all our areas of life, they change our behavior and affect our perception, thinking and feeling. The Forum Media Technology (FMT) aims for an intensive dialogue of experts working at agencies, studios and production companies with students, lecturers, researchers and developers. Contributions are sought for the 10th Forum Media Technology, presenting current results of applied research and development, new theoretical and scientific findings or case studies, projects, formats, services and prototypes in digital media technologies.
To foster the exchange between various disciplines in the huge field of digital media, the Forum Media Technology intentionally puts its focus on a wide range of content and on interdisciplinary dialogues at the intersection of new technological possibilities, creative design as well as economic, social and cultural framework requirements. We invite submissions which address one of the topics of the conference:
- High Dynamic Range Video Production, Postproduction and Technologies
- Content Development and Production
- Mobile Design (Development, Trust, Privacy, Learning)
- Digital Media Experience (Game Design, Serious Games, Experience Design)
- New Forms of Media Use and their Analysis
- Innovative Audio – New Applications for Music, Sound Design and Sonic Interaction
- Interactive Visualization and Data Analysis
- Multimedia Modelling, Retrieval, and Machine Learning
- Digital Archives and Cultural Heritage (Acquisition, Analysis, Applications)
- Ambient Assisted Living and Digital Healthcare
- Smart Engineering and Industrial Internet
- Technology-based Business Models
St. Pölten, Austria (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences)
Situated 60 km to the west of Vienna in Austria’s oldest baroque town, St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences was founded in 1996 and is an expanding institution of higher education.
Head of conference committee
Wolfgang Aigner
Scientific Director
Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies (IC\M/T)
Thomas Moser
Head of Research Group Digital Technologies
Institut of Creative\Media/Technologies (IC\M/T)
Host institution
Forum Media Technology is an event of IC\M/T – Institute of Creative\Media/Technologies.
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences
Matthias Corvinus-Straße 15 3100 St. Pölten, Austria
Organisation, information and inquiries
Ulrike Wieländer
T: +43 / 2742 / 313 228 – 646
E: forummedientechnik@fhstp.ac.at