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Wednesday, 28th November, 2018
Wednesday, 28th November, 2018
All Around Audio Symposium
Small assembly hall
Registration with tea and coffee | Lobby, ground floor
Opening: Franziska Bruckner, Michael Iber
Creative Strategies for Drawing and Animated Drawing in VR
TANIA DE LEÓN YONG (Academy of Media Arts Cologne) & EDUARDO ORTIZ VERA (FAD Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Reality? Boring! Animation as an Audio-visual Catalyst of the Experienced World
JENS MEINRENKEN (Humboldt University Berlin)
A Slice of Time Back into the Timeline: Some Considerations on Visual Rhythm in Animated Photography.
ROSANGELA DE ARAUJO (Film University Babelsberg Konrad Wolf)
Coffee Break
Holistic Perception through the Synthesis of Colour and Music
VICTORIA WOLFERSBERGER (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg)
Animation as Applied Art in the Field of Music Promotion, Analysis and Education
IBY-JOLANDE VARGA (Independent Scholar)
Evolving Opera – Immersive Technologies in Artistic Practice and Listening Experience
MARIA KALLIONPÄÄ (Hong Kong Baptist University) & HANS-PETER GASSELSEDER (Aalborg University)
Lunch Break
13:00 @ Large assembly hall
Orchestrating Space by Icosahedral Loudspeaker (OSIL)
GERRIET K. SHARMA & FRANK SCHULZ (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
Sound Quality und 3D-AUDIO (talk in German)
FRIEDRICH BLUTNER (Synotec Psychoinformatik GmbH)
The Secret to Great Video is Audio
Rotting Sounds — Embracing the Temporal Deterioration of Digital Audio
TILL BOVERMANN (University of applied arts Vienna) & ALMUT SCHILLING (Academy of Fine Arts Vienna)
On the Usage of Immersive Environmental Sound in VR for Clinical Purposes
CORNELIUS PÖPEL (Ansbach University of Applied Sciences)
Binaural Audio as Body Engineering
MARTIN RUMORI (University of Music and Performing Arts Graz)
Coffee Break
The Acoustics Research Institute: Science Around Audio
PIOTR MAJDAK (Acoustics Research Institute (ARI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences)
Diffuse Directivity
PAUL MODLER (Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design)
Design and Implementation of the Laboratory for Immersive and Drone-based Journalism
Philipp KESSLING (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
THOMAS GÖRNE (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences)
Demos & Installations
9:00-18:00 @ Lobby
TANIA DE LEÓN YONG: Dimensiones Inasibles (VR installation)
FABIAN KINDL: Rosette 4.0
ROSA VON SUESS & TEAM: Holzhandwerk revisited (VR and video installation)
10:30-10:45, 12:40-13:00, 13:40-14:00, 16:10-16:25 @ Lobby
TILL BOVERMANN & ALMUT SCHILLING: Rotting Sounds — A little table of wonders
- Celestial Bodies from the Universe of Music (objects)
- Sound Gardens (interactive stop motion animation) based on the non linear composition 7×7 by Karlheinz Essl
- Namadeus (interactive installation with animated elements) based on the original musical game KV 516f by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (with friendly permission by Haus der Musik, Vienna)
PIOTR MAJDAK: Binaural Hearing Experiences
9:00-18:00 @ 1st floor
9:00-18:00 @ 3rd floor, studioC
3D audio compositions
13:00-18:00 @ Large assembly hall
GERRIET K. SHARMA & FRANK SCHULZ: Composing Space with Sculptural Sound Phenomena – Instrumentality of the Icosahedral Loudspeaker (IKO) (sound installation)
Conference Dinner
19:00 – 22:00 | St. Pölten, Rendl Keller
Thursday, 29th November, 2018
Forum Media Technology
Small assembly hall
Registration with tea & coffee | Lobby, ground floor
10:00 – 12:00 | Welcome, Keynote & Session 1
Welcome: Markus Seidl
Keynote: Robert Sablatnig (TU Wien, Austria) | Writer Identification on Historical Manuscripts
Session 1: Audio | Chair: Robert Sablatnig
* Exploration of Auditory Augmentation in an Interdisciplinary Prototyping Workshop
Katharina Groß-Vogt, Marian Weger, Robert Höldrich
cosy:sonics – A Mobile App for Triggering Technology Reflection Through Immersive Audience Experience
Oliver Hödl, Peter Oberhauser, Peter Reichl
Promenade – A Minimalistic Sculptural Interface for Immersive Soundscape Presentation
Martin Rumori
Lunch Break with Demo | Canteen, ground floor
13:30 – 14:30 | Session 2
Session 2: Augmented Reality & Visualization | Chair: Thomas Moser
Potential of Augmented Reality in the Library
Michael Zeiller, Bernadette Baumgartner-Kiradi, Michaela Haberler
* Augmented Reality for Industry 4.0: Architecture and User Experience
Andreas Jakl, Lucas Schöffer, Matthias Husinsky, Markus Wagner
* It Pays to Be Lazy: Reusing Force Approximations to Compute Better Graph Layouts Faster
Robert Gove
Coffee break
15:15 – 16:30 | Session 3, Best Paper Award & Closing
Session 3: HCI | Chair: Matthias Zeppelzauer
ViReSt – Storytelling with Volumetric Videos
Gerhard Sprung, Andreas Egger, Alexander Nischelwitzer, Robert Strohmaier, Sandra Schadenbauer
Visual Forms of Presentation of Investigative Online Journalism in Austrian Media
Stefanie Braunisch, Michael Roither, Michael Zeiller
Modeling User Interface Adaptation for Customer-Experience Optimization
Christian Märtin, Christian Herdin, Bärbel Bissinger
Best Paper Award & Closing: Markus Seidl & Best Paper Jury
Demos & Installations
9:00-18:00 @ 1st floor
9:00-18:00 @ 3rd floor, studioC
3D audio compositions
The papers marked with an asterisks (*) are candidates for the best paper award.

Changes reserved.