Audiovisuelle, interaktive und mobile Medien durchdringen längst unseren Alltag. In nahezu allen Lebensbereichen verändern sie unser Handeln und beeinflussen unsere Wahrnehmung, unser Denken und Fühlen. Für das neunte Forum Medientechnik werden Beiträge gesucht, die aktuelle Ergebnisse aus der angewandten Forschung und Entwicklung, neue theoretisch-wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse oder Fallbeispiele und praxisbezogene Projekte, Formate, Dienste und Prototypen präsentieren.
Die Tagung soll einen intensiven fachlichen Dialog zwischen Agenturen, Studios und Produktionsfirmen mit Studierenden, Lehrenden, ForscherInnen und EntwicklerInnen anregen und damit die Basis für neue Kooperationen schaffen.
Inhaltliche Schwerpunkte
Um den dringend erforderlichen Austausch zwischen verschiedenen Teildisziplinen im weiten Feld der digitalen Medien zu fördern, setzt das Forum Medientechnik ganz bewusst auf inhaltliche Breite und interdisziplinäre Dialoge an den Schnittstellen von neuen technologischen Möglichkeiten, kreativer Gestaltung und wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, kulturellen und gesellschaftlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Eingereichte Beiträge sollen sich mindestens einem der folgenden Schwerpunkte zuordnen lassen:
High Dynamic Range Video Production, Postproduction and Technologies
- 360° Video Production, Postproduction and Technologies
- Cloud based Video Productions
- Augmented Reality TV Productions
- Visual Effects for Realtime Rendering Engines
- Postproduction for Film and TV
- 3D-Animation for Film and TV
Innovative Audio – New Applications for Music, Sound Design and Sonic Interaction
- Sound and Music Computing
- Semantic Audio
- Game-Audio and Sound Design
- Auditory Displays and Sonification
- Sonic Interaction
- Product Sounddesign
- Sonic Architecture
- Sound Spatialisation
- Web & Native Development
- Frameworks / Cross Platform Development
- Mobile HCI & Design
- Mobile Trust, Privacy & Security
- Mobile Art & Entertainment
- Mobile Learning
- Location Technology / Context Based Services
- Mobile Office (BYOD, Deployment, …)
- Augmented / Mixed Reality
Digital Media Experience
- Game Design
- Social and Serious Games
- Game Based Learning
- Interactive Storytelling
- User Interface Concepts
- Information Design
- Experience Design
- Usability and Gender & Diversity
Interactive Visualization and Data Analysis
- Information Visualization
- Infographics
- Visual Analytics
- Data Journalism
- Data Visualization
- Interactive Visual Interfaces for Data Analysis
- Natural User Interfaces for Visualization
- Cognition and Perception in Visualization
- Visualization of Sensor Data
- Evaluation of Visual Interfaces
- Visualization for Open (Government) Data
- Visualization for IT Security
Multimedia Modelling and Retrieval
- Content-based Retrieval
- Multimedia Signal Processing
- Image, Audio and Video Retrieval
- Social Media Retrieval
- Multimodal Retrieval
- Retrieval in unconventional data
Digital Archives and Cultural Heritage
- Long Term Digital Archives
- Applications and tools for Content Based Audio and Video Retrieval
- 2D/3D Acquisition of Cultural Heritage
- Analysis of 2D/3D Cultural Heritage Data
- Representation of 2D/3D Cultural Heritage Data
- Intelligent tools for digital reconstruction of Cultural Heritage
Ambient Assisted Living and Digital Healthcare
- AAL Case Studies and Platforms
- (Mobile) Interaction Concepts for Elderly People
- Social Network and ICT for Elderly People
- Media Assisted Activity, Training and Feedback for Prevention and Rehabilitation
- Home Monitoring and Tele Care
- Wearables and Body Worn Sensors for Healthcare Applications
- Activity Recognition and Context-Aware Systems for Healthcare
Smart Engineering and Industrial Internet
- Machine-to-Machine Communication
- Production Planning and Control
- Human Machine Interfaces (HMI)
Content Development and Production
- Content Development
- Transmedia Storytelling
- Trimedia Production
Technology-based Business Models
- Crossmedia Management
- Digital Business Management
- Enterprise 2.0
- Semantic Web, Linked Data
- Crowd Funding, Crowd Sourcing
- Data Economics
- Information Systems
New Forms of Media Use and their Analysis
- Second Screen
- Participatory Culture
- Mobile Media Use
- Social Media Monitoring
- Big Data Analytics
- Knowledge Discovery