Wednesday, 29th November, 2017
Wednesday, 29th November, 2017
All Around Audio Symposium
Small festival hall
Registration | Lobby, ground floor
Ultrasonic Communication: Risks and Chances of a Novel Technology
Matthias Zeppelzauer (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria)
Modular Synthesizer Ensemble
gammon (Vienna, Austria)
On Models and Pragmatic Features in Digital Musical Instruments
Cornelius Pöpel (Ansbach University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
3D Audio: Sculpting with Sound – Report on an Artistic Research Project
Sabine Breitsameter (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences/Soundscape- & Environmental Media Lab (SEM-Lab), Germany)
Acoustic holograms: Artistic approach to 3D-Audio
Natascha Rehberg & Alexandar Vejnovic (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences/Soundscape- & Environmental Media Lab (SEM-Lab), Germany)
Coffee Break
Steps Toward an A/R/Tography of Sound
Hans-Ulrich Werner (HUW, Offenburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany)
Situating Performance in the Performing of Situation: The Effect of Situational Context on Performer Expressivity
Hans-Peter Gasselseder & Maria Kallionpää (Aalborg University, Denmark)
When More is More: How to Supersize Musical Expression
Maria Kallionpää & Hans-Peter Gasselseder (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Breaking The (Imaginary) Wall between Performers and their Audience in Live Music
Oliver Hödl (University of Vienna, Austria)
Line & Hemisphere
A Hybrid Studio Setup for Immersive Experiments in Spatial Audio and Music
Paul Modler (Hochschule für Gestaltung Karlsruhe, Germany)
AudioAllAround: Immersive Audio – Evolution of Techniques and Tools
Martin & Diana Mayer (Mister Master, Klosterneuburg, Austria)
Lunch Break
MED-EL Hearing Implants and the Science Center AUDIOVERSUM in Innsbruck
Dr. Eckhard Schulz & Dipl.-Ing. Ewald Thurner (MED-EL GmbH, Innsbruck, Austria)
Heart Sound – how sound and radio can help to improve the relationship between people with dementia and their carers
Christine Schön (Berlin, Germany)
Philology of electronic music – New methods, strategies, falsifications and historic cleansing: Stockhausen, Xenakis, KRAFTWERK
Reinhold Friedl (Goldsmith University London, United Kingdom)
<<cresc>> Worte werden Raum
Eva Paulitsch (Coburg University of Applied Sciences And Arts, Germany)
DaVinci Head project: The best price/performance binaural head
Vytenis Gadliauskas (Lituania)
End of Symposium
All day:
Installations Ground Floor:
Gammon: Modualar Synthesizer Ensemble (Wednesday only)
Med-El: title t.b.a. (Wednesday only)
Eva Paulitsch: Videoloop #02042011021.mp4, 0:00:16# ((Musik im Hintergrund)) (Wednesday and Thursday)
Christine Schön: audio play station Herzton und Hörzeit, radio programmes
for people suffering dementia (Wednesday and Thursday)
Thomas Deppisch & Alois Sontacchi: 3D Audio Walkthrough – An interactive concert experience (Wednesday: 10:40-11:00, 13:20-13:55, 16:00-16:30 & Thursday: 08:30-9:00, 11:15-12:45)
Installations 3rd Floor (Sound Sphere):
3D Audio works by students of UAS Darmstadt and St. Pölten UAS (Wednesday
and Thursday)
Forum Media Technology
Small festival hall
16:30 – 18:00 | Opening, Keynote & Session 1
Opening: Wolfgang Aigner
Keynote: Franziska Bruckner (St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Austria) | Stops in Motion – Animation as Meta-cinematographic Concept
Session 1: Computer Vision | Chair: Mario Döller
[Best Paper] Towards Automated Real Estate Assessment from Satellite Images with CNNs
Valentin Muhr, Miroslav Despotovic, David Koch, Mario Döller, Matthias Zeppelzauer
Fashion and Apparel Classification using Convolutional Neural Networks
Alexander Schindler, Thomas Lidy, Stephan Karner, Matthias Hecker
Social Dinner | St. Pölten, Rendl Keller
19:00 – 22:00
Thursday, 30th November, 2017
Forum Media Technology
Small festival hall
Registration | Lobby, ground floor
09:00 – 10:45 | Welcome, Keynote & Session 2
Welcome: Thomas Moser
Keynote: Hans-Christian Jetter (University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg, Austria) | Collaborative Data Experiences: Novel designs for visualizing and exploring data together
Session 2: Research Design & Digital Healthcare | Chair: Thomas Moser
Gender-appropriate research design for digital media
Dorothea Erharter
RegionAAL – The styrian AAL-test-region in Graz, Deutschlandsberg and Leibnitz
Kurt Majcen, Kerstin Löffler
[Honorable Mention] LifeStream: Prototype implementation of monitoring system for dispatch life support
Florian Grassinger, Jakob Doppler, Markus Wagner, Wolfgang Aigner
Coffee break
11:15 – 12:45 | Session 3
Session 3: Interactive Session (Poster, Demo, Graduate Consortium) | Chair: Matthias Zeppelzauer
Enabling Decision-Making for Situation-Aware Adaptations of Interactive Systems
Christian Märtin, Christian Herdin
HoloMuse – A concept for Augmented Learning in Museums
Kasra Seirafi, Florian Wiencek
Innovative and Intuitive Hands-on Interaction with RFID to Enhance Digital Media Experience of Exhibits
Sandra Schadenbauer, Alexander Nischelwitzer, Robert Strohmaier, Gerhard Sprung
Isidor – Ein auditiver HCI-Prototyp
Josefine Riedel, Thomas Böck, Julian Fischer, Felix Rauchwarter
Evaluation of Data Transfer Methods for Block-based Realtime Audio Processing with CUDA
Christoph Kuhr, Alexander Carôt
HoloKeys – An Augmented Reality Application for Learning the Piano
Dominik Hackl, Christoph Anthes
Special Track GLAMhack17
KuKoNö – KulturKontext Niederösterreich
Kerstin Blumenstein, Barbara Margarethe Eggert, Maria Grandl, Elisabeth Kasser-Höpfner, Kathrin Kratzer, Johannes A. Löcker-Herschkowitz, Georg Neubauer, Florian Wiencek
Communities in biographischen Netzwerken
Ágoston Zénó Bernád, Maximilian Kaiser, Sebastian M. Mair, Alexander Rind
Comic Experience: Narrative & Collaborative Drawing on a Multi-Touch Table in an Art Museum
Christina Niederer, Stefanie Größbacher, Wolfgang Aigner, Markus Seidl, Peter Judmaier
Graduate Consortium
The Most Critical UI/UX Design Factors in Role Playing Games and Their Most Convenient Usability Testing Method
Perihan Rashed
Integration von Gamification Elementen in Mobile Learning Apps zur Steigerung der Lernmotivation in der Sekundarstufe 2
Judith Tscherny
Intuitives Screendesign für mobile Applikationen und Auswirkungen auf die First Time Use
Tamara Höllersberger
Management Konzept für Werbeagenturen mit mobiler Anbindung
Melissa Poindl
Betriebliche Weiterbildung in Werbeagenturen im Fachgebiet Grafikdesign
Gerald Neubacher
Barrierefreie Radiomoderation – Eine Erhebung des Ist-Standes der Freien Radios in Österreich
Sabine Hubner
Lunch | Canteen, ground floor
14:15 – 15:45 | Session 4
Session 4: Visualization | Chair: Paolo Buono
Interaction Concepts for Collaborative Visual Analysis of Scatterplots on Large Vertically-Mounted High-Resolution Multi-Touch Displays
Mohammad Chegini, Shao Lin, Dirk Joachim Lehmann, Keith Andrews, Tobias Schreck
Evaluation of the User Experience of Interactive Infographics in Online Newspapers
Julia Langer, Michael Zeiller
A Bigram Supported Generic Knowledge-Assisted Malware Analysis System: BiG2-KAMAS
Niklas Thür, Markus Wagner
Rule Creation in a Knowledge-assisted Visual Analytics Prototype for Malware Analysis
Johannes Schick, Markus Wagner
Coffee break
16:15 – 18:00 | Session 5, Capstone & Moderation
Session 5: HCI | Chair: Kerstin Blumenstein
A variable low-cost platform for conducting work design experiments
Hendrik Stern, Till Becker
Comic Experience: Narrative & Collaborative Drawing on a Multi-Touch Table in an Art Museum
Christina Niederer, Stefanie Größbacher, Wolfgang Aigner, Markus Seidl, Peter Judmaier
[Honorable Mention] HoloKeys – An Augmented Reality Application for Learning the Piano
Dominik Hackl, Christoph Anthes
[Honorable Mention] Browser Application for Virtual Audio Walkthrough
Thomas Deppisch, Alois Sontacchi
Capstone: Paolo Buono (University of Bari Aldo Moro, IT) | Pervasive Technologies to Enrich People Experience in Visiting Cultural Heritage sites
Moderation: Wolfgang Aigner
Golden Wire | Audimax | Ceremony of Media Award of the St. Pölten UAS as well as the Best Paper Award of Forum Media Technology
The papers marked with an asterisks (*) are candidates for the best paper award.

Changes reserved.